Friday, April 10, 2009

Blog # 7 Rainwater Harvesting, Education Reform and Sunset Review - Abolishing the "Builders" Commission.

Tuesday March 31st, 2009

Legislation listed below was all witnessed For:

Natural Resources Committee.

HB 4299 Rose - Rainwater Harvesting incentives.  I was part of the Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) roundtable discussion group and am very pleased to report this update:  Since the committee hearing the bill will have a few minor substantive changes and will be going back to committee on Tuesday April 7th, anticipating passage and movement to calendars.  There is no Senate sponsor as yet, but the bill has a strong following given the potential for RWH as an important and inexpensive water conservation strategy for drought stricken Central Texas.

Public Education Committee.

Based on the presentation given by Carmen Llanes of PODER at the Texas Moratorium Network's Lobby Day training session, the Green Party was in favor of the following two bills providing for education system reforms - requiring education administrators wider discretion on determining disciplinary actions and a bill protecting students from bullying (a bill important to the GLBT community):

HB 171 Olivo - Relating to consideration of mitigating factors in determining appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against a public school student., Pending in Cmte.  SB 2270 Gallegos, identical

HB 172 Olivo, Relating to the right of a parent of a public school student to prompt notice of certain disciplinary action taken against the student. Pending in Committee.

HB 1323 Strama, Gonzales, Pierson - Relating to bullying and harassment in public schools. Pending in Committee.

Sex education reform - "Just the Facts":

HB 1567 Villarreal - Relating to abstinence education in public schools. Pending in Committee.  SB 1076 Van de Putte, identical.

HB 741 Castro, Strama, Villarreal, Farrar, Allen - Relating to health education curriculum and instruction in public schools. Pending in Committee.  SB 515 Ellis, identical.

Based on the often piecemeal delivered (if at all) and misinformation provided in many school districts throughout the state, that has or has not been provided to students, and the lack of factual and consistent sex education information across the state these two bills provide for abstinence education (yeah, like that works!), AND, most importantly includes information based on factual science-based curriculum from professional medical associations and emphasizing safe social behaviour sexual education: 

Education Committee (continued):

The Green Party backed these bills as common sense reforms designed to clarify the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills standards), and to provide additional initiatives for teachers working with students having english as their second language.

SB 1363 Shapiro - Relating to clarification of the essential knowledge and skills of the public school curriculum and the evaluation of conforming curriculum management systems. Pending in Committee., then set for new Public Hearing on 04/02/09.  HB 2155 Edwards, identical.

SB 1459 Shapiro - Relating to education initiatives for students of limited English proficiency and students at risk of dropping out of school.  Pending

SB 1460 Shapiro - Relating to professional development academies designed for public school teachers who provide instruction to certain students of limited English proficiency.  Pending - Now posted for new hearing on April 7th.

Industry & Commerce Committee

Alliance:  Homeowners for better building -     Check out the website.  

Based on the information I gleaned from the website it was apparent that the Greens would be in favor of this legislation; especially given the case here in Austin that Clint Smith and Allissa Chambers have been working on (see Travis County Greens dot Org).  

"Consumer groups are praising the Sunset Advisory Commission for its candid assessment and recommendation to abolish the controversial builder protection agency known as the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC).  TRCC is run exclusively by the homebuilding industry to regulate homeowners. It is by far the most criticized state agency ever created."

HB 1635 Todd Smith - the abolition of the Texas Residential Construction Commission.

HB 2243  Leibowitz - the licensing and regulation of residential construction contractors and the abolition of the Texas Residential Construction Commission; providing a criminal penalty.

HB 2695 Gattis - the abolition of the Texas Residential Construction Commission.

Blog # 6 Bill Holloway Memorial - Texas State House

Monday March 30th, 2009

Bill Holloway Memorial, House Resolution 680

Rep. Elliott Naistat spoke many kind, eloquent and accurate words about the life and work of Bill Holloway.  Immediately at the top of his speech he referred to Bill as a "Hero".  

I have asked for the content of Rep. Naishtat's speech and will post it as soon as I have it.  I will also track down a copy of the photo taken by the legislative photographer of the family and friends that were able to attend.

At the end of the invocation, We in the gallery were asked to stand and be recognized in Bill's place; applauded in Bill's honor by the quorum of the House.  An emotional event.  The formal acknowledgment of this aspect of Bill Holloway's life allowed me to experience some closure to the end of his physical life.  Undoubtedly his spirit lives on in those of us who got the opportunity to know a little bit about him, and for those he served who did not, and continue to benefit from his illustrious career(s) and his example of decisive and modest leadership, and compassion for others.

Legislation witnessed For:

Elections Committee:  

HB 1768 Branch, Homer - Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting.

Pending in Cmte.  SB 317 Wentworth, identical / HB 135 Straus, duplicate.

HB 3369 Rose - Relating to the use of prohibited electronic devices at polling locations.  Pending in Cmte.  Allows recognized/certified news reporters (including those principally reporting from the Web) access in polling stations.

SB 1850 Shapleigh, Zaffirini co-author - Relating to the establishment of a home- and community-based services workforce council.  Reported favorably w/o amendments, recommended for local & uncontested calendar, cmte report printed & distributed.  

HB 3263 Naisthtat [identical]

Many people from the disabled community were in attendance to witness for this legislation.  Home care professionals and workers do not receive a fair wage and are often taken for granted in the workforce.

Blog # 5 I have shifted strategic gears...

Thursday, March 26th

I have shifted strategic gears and along with following the short list of bills on the Green Party's initial list I have started to review the upcoming bills in each committee hearing coming up each day and finding those that are in line with the Green Party's core values. 

My purpose for running from committee to committee to witness for good bills and against lame bills is to give coverage for the wide array of core Green values.  I'll see how it goes, as many of the public and environmental policy wonks focus on one or two bills and seek support from a wide array of allies.

Legislation witnessed For:

Urban Affairs  

HB 722  Donna Howard - Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to regulate the location of facilities to supply drinking water.

Water is and will continue to be a contentious issue, especially with the deepening drought.  Allowing more local input into where and how these expensive to build and maintain drinking water and wastewater facilities brings attention and public involvement into the debate/discussions (bond elections mean increased taxes.  Pumping water means increased electrical use).

Human Services Committee.

HB 892 Villarreal, Naishtat - Relating to the Women's Health Program. Pending in Committee.  SB 594 Van de Putte, identical

HB 1627 Naishtat, Walle - Relating to Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program payments to assist certain households receiving food stamp benefits.  Pending in Committee.

Additional connections for coalition building:

Met with La Fe Policy Research and Education Center staff -

Policy Analyst Amy Casso from San Antonio is primarily working on legislation that effects the Latino Community throughout Texas, though much of the health and human services legislation in universal for all communities.  The Green Party has much in common in support of extended and universal healthcare, advocacy and education opportunities for minority populations.

Contact with Planned Parenthood colleagues - Leslie Nicole Ramsey.  Leslie received the largest percentage of votes for a Green Party candidate when she ran for State Board of Education in 2002 and garnered 21.7% with 63,871 votes!  Among many citizen advocacy positions she has worked for the Texas National Organization for Women, and the Texas Fair Trade Coalition.  She is now working for P.P. as their Legislative Director.

Charlotte Flynn - Activist/Agitator for justice and human rights, past Austin Chair for the Gray Panthers:  Another Austin Local Living Legend!  Charlotte was recognized by the Austin City Council and the Mayor for her work with the Gray Panthers as a citizen advocate on public health issues, on this her 90th Birthday!  I have not heard her take credit solely, always recognizing the partnership she shared in her work with her husband Bill, who served as Treasurer for many years.  They are both loved and admired as warriors for public justice.

Sundays through May, 2009: featuring Rep. Rafael Anchia - Voter I.D. Legislation fight (again - those republicans - or the controlling faction - just seem to want democracy for themselves, and people like them, if that makes any sense...) coming up on Tuesday April 7th, Reagan Building.

Rep. Anchia relayed that this legislation is a complete partisan power issue - if it was truly about voter fraud then the statistical data and anecdotal evidence showing the well documented fraudulent use of mail-in ballots, not the one or two cases of identity fraud at the polling place, and the other systemic voting issues would have been addressed!

Blog #4 Texas Moratorium Network Lobby Day, celebrate Texas native plants and "Solar Day"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Texas Moratorium Network Lobby Day

Held at the University of Texas, School of Education (how appropriate), started with a presentation by Carmen Llanes and her colleague Erica speaking for and of People Organized in Defense of the Earth and her Resources, speaking on legislation that can prevent youth from getting into trouble in the criminal justice system, in the first place, and therefore potentially off death row.  The legislation to weigh in on is 

HB 171 by Olivo, Relating to consideration of mitigating factors in determining appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against a public school student.  SB 2270 Gallegos, Identical.

HB 172 by Olivo, Relating to the right of a parent of a public school student to prompt notice of certain disciplinary action taken against the student.

HB 943 by Dutton, Relating to disciplinary actions imposed on public school students who disrupt the conduct of class or other school activities.

and HB 850 by Isler, Relating to repeal on a periodic basis of the provisions of Titles 1 and 2 of the Education Code to provide for legislative review of the primary state statutes governing public education.

The Texas Moratorium Network was focusing their Lobby Day principally on two pieces of legislation; though not against lobbying for abolition, they are committed to a moratorium of the Death Penalty as a first step towards abolition, like those started in Illinois and New Jersey.  Two bills filed offering immediate change opportunities of focus are,

HB 2267 Hodge - "Law of Parties" - left pending in sub-cmte 3.19.09

Relating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants and the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in capital felony cases.

HB 304 Dutton - "Law of Parties" - left pending in sub-cmte 3.19.09

Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a co-conspirator in certain felony cases.

Additional legislation witnessed in favor by the Green Party:

Culture, Recreation and Tourism Cmte.

HB 1739  by Donna Howard, Relating to a recognition day to celebrate Texas native plants.  

Native plants are in many cases disappearing rapidly under the stresses of development and the dominance of non-native invasive species, many of which are allowed to be sold at nuseries.  Two of my favorite "local living legends", Pat and Dale Bulla are dedicated native plant protectors, proponents and gardeners, along with coordinating many community awareness projects including bringing some community organizing to work with developers who are rapidly bulldozing and concreting our urban forest for office space and automobile-only accessible shopping.

HB 2088  by Donna Howard, Relating to increasing public awareness of the benefits of native plant species.

Ditto my explaination above - Texas Parks and Wildlife has created a list of the most invasive and aggressive non-native plant species including Johnson Grass, Lugustrum, Nandina and china berry, but does not have regulatory authority to restrict these plants, in large part because of the nursery trade, which is only interested in sales (Note:  There are several nurseries that focus on the sale of Natives and do not push non-natives).

SB 126 by Ellis - Relating to a temporary moratorium on authorizations for certain coal-fired electric generating facilities.

I am sure many of you are aware that coal fired power plants produce huge quantities of carbon monoxide but in addition volatile organic compounds, sulfides and mercury - none of which is beneficial to our lungs or the development of children.

"Solar Day" - Reagan Bldg.

HB 977 by Burnam, Relating to use of the money from the Texas enterprise fund to promote renewable energy technology.  Identical bill by Wendy Davis, SB 878

HB 1243 by Gallego | Farabee | Solomons | Swinford | Coleman, Relating to net metering for retail electric service customers and compensation for excess electricity generated by a retail electric customer's on-site generator.

HB 1643 by Farabee Relating to net metering for retail electric service customers and compensation for excess electricity generated by certain renewable energy technology generators.

HB 1866 by Solomons Relating to distributed renewable generation of electric power.

Human Services Cmte.

HB 165 by Naishtat | King, Susan | Howard, Charlie | Bohac Relating to a career ladder for interveners who provide services under the deaf-blind with multiple disabilities waiver program.

The Green Party and Gray Panthers have been avid supporters of Rep. Naishtat's legislation to improve public health.